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Legal and Product Information


Useful information

Claim forms

Guarantee fund

European Standard Information (ESIC)

If your request for credit ultimately leads to a quote, you will receive the European Standard Information on Consumer Credit (ESIC). You will receive this before the quote is discussed with you. The purpose of the ESIC is to compare offers from different financial companies in Europe.

These regulations stem from the Consumer Credit Directive (CCD) or Consumer Credit Directive. This directive should ensure that the same rules apply across Europe to consumers who want to take out a loan.

Bank terms and conditions


The Dutch Advance Bank

Intermediate Advance Bank



General terms and conditions for insurers



DGA Financial Advisors

Kranenburg Road 94
2583 EN The Hague

Telephone: 070 - 355 66 48
Email: info@dga.nl

Chamber of Commerce number: 27165775

DGA Financial Advisors is registered with the Financial Markets Authority under license number: 12002612.

Our opening hours are: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Appointments outside office hours are of course possible.